How to Care for Freshly Tinted Windows - Pro Tint of Florida

How to Care for Newly Installed Car Window Tint

Getting 3M automotive window tint installed is a popular way in Florida and many more places to enhance the look and privacy of your car while also providing protection from harmful UV rays. However, caring for your freshly tinted vehicle can be a little tricky. Improper care can lead to peeling, bubbling, and discoloration of the window film. In this guide, we’ll discuss some essential care instructions for newly tinted vehicles.

1) Leave the windows rolled up for at least three days

After tinting, it’s important to leave your windows rolled up for at least three days. This will allow the tint to fully adhere to the glass. If you roll down the windows too soon, it can cause the tint to peel or bubble. It’s important to wait at least three days to ensure the window film has fully adhered to the glass before rolling down your car windows.

2) Avoid cleaning the inside of the windows for at least a week

Once the window tint is installed, avoid cleaning your windows for at least a week with any liquid solutions or abrasives. Window tint is installed on the inside, not the outside – so your car’s exterior is safer to clean during this period.

If you need to clean the inside of your car windows during this time, use a dry microfiber cloth to gently wipe away any dust or debris. Car washes are generally safe after getting window tint installed, since the tint is installed on the inside of the windows.

3) Use a gentle cleaner when cleaning the windows

When it’s time to clean the car windows, use a gentle cleaner that’s free of ammonia, vinegar, and other harsh chemicals. These chemicals can damage the tint and cause it to peel or discolor. 3M window tint experts recommend using a microfiber cloth or a soft sponge to apply the cleaner, and then rinse the windows thoroughly with water.

4) Avoid using abrasive materials on the tinted windows

Avoid using abrasive materials like steel wool, scrub brushes, or abrasive sponges on the windows. These materials can scratch the tint and damage it. Instead, use a soft cloth or a gentle sponge to clean the windows. Scratches in brand new tint are never pleasant! Your Pro Tint installer can suggest additional materials which are safer to use on tinted car windows.

5) Be careful using sharp tools near the windows

If you’re using any tools that may come in contact with the windows, be sure they are tint-safe. This includes ice scrapers, suction cups, and parking permits. Using a tool that’s not tint-safe can scratch the tint or cause it to peel.

6) Avoid blasting aftermarket subwoofers

Aftermarket sound systems can create air pockets between the film and the glass when loud noises are played. We recommend keeping the volume low for the first few days after getting window tint installed in your car if you have one of these systems.

7) Be gentle with the windows

Finally, be gentle with tinted windows. Avoid slamming the doors or rolling the windows up and down too quickly. Extremely rough handling can cause the tint to peel or bubble.

In conclusion, caring for a freshly tinted car requires a bit of patience and caution. Follow these care instructions to keep your tint looking great for years to come. And if you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact your Pro Tint installer for advice.